Saturday 18 March 2017

Block 1


Block 2


20th March, 2017
Tomorrow is day 4
-Spelling Words for the week! (catch up on last weeks)
-20m reading
-FINISH and Upload Engineering-Welding portfolio Entry and "Favourite Food inspired by "Into the Spluttering Fat MODEL"

Extra for Experts:
Ted Ed
Creative Writing

Reminders: Hand in Camp Adair Forms


Whole Class Otago Maths Warm up!

Taryn to locate Green Otago Maths book on Teacher Desk? and write up 2 problems. (Only choose from Questions 1 and 2)

Our Names:
1. Mental Maths 6 for 20m (Students have this in their maths book)
Multiplication (tidy numbers) 

The Challenger
1. Mental Maths 6 for 20m (Students have this in their maths book)

2. Dividing with remainders
Activity 6 p 59-60 - NZCM Connecting All Strands 4B (YELLOW BOOK) - Using multiplicative strategies with whole numbers

1. Mental Maths 7 for 20m (Students have this in their maths book)

2. Dividing with remainders
Activity 6 p 59-60 - NZCM Connecting All Strands 4B (YELLOW BOOK) - Using multiplicative strategies with whole numbers

The Outsiders
1. Mental Maths 7 for 20m (Students have this in their maths book)
Pythagorus Theorem

Block 3

-After Break 20m silent reading with students adding words/ Phrases into their Writers Palette
-Students to finish writing about their Favourite Meal inspired by the MODEL - Into the Spluttering Fat.

-Students Finish / once they have shown the teacher - publish on Computer / Add to site /

-Go on with the creative writing for the week (located on the blog)  if you manage to finish this.

Block 4

1. Intro to Energy Transformation

Watch this clip!

Energy Transformation clip

discuss the energy transformations you can see here!

WALT - Understand and Describe Energy Transformations:

2. TASK:  In Pairs or Individually

Create a google drive doc and name it “Name Energy Transformation”

  1. -U-tube search Wile E Coyote energy (remember these are key words)

-Watch a few of the clips about energy transformation

-As you watch, pause the clip in important sections that show the energy transfer (i.e. potential, kinetic, to mechanical, etc.)

-Once paused, take a screen-shot of the image

-Drag these images into a google doc named Energy Transformation

-Write a little explanation about the Energy Transformation.

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